Transparency is usually understood as a way to be yourself on the net and that you cannot hide yourself behind some artificial characteristics. Transparency is also a political notion : politicians have to be always concentrated, to be on the alert because “Big brother” – medias - is always watching them. But I’m going to take that notion on the other side. To my mind, transparency is just an illusion. Transparency on the net does not exist on the common sense for the simple reason that Internet enables us to build many different personalities. On the net you are you, but also mister X and mister W or even mister Z.
Me and the others
Whereas everybody believe that on the net it is easier to meet people and to know who they are, I strongly believe that the person who is behind his screen is many people at the same time, that internet distort personality and that your are transparent in the sense that nobody “encircle” you. It is the same thing with politicians : on the net many videos about their speeches or their visits are posted. Nevertheless, these videos are incomplete. It is only extracts most of the time and as we know, sentences without a context do not mean anything. How many politicians, musicians have been trapped like that ?
On the net you are transparent, naked and it is the others who give you colours, clothes and characteristics. Your personality is built by the internet users. You cannot control your evolution, you are totally dependant of the vision of the others, you are always under construction.
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